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Yookybites | Is GF means Girlfriend or Gluten-Free?

by Yooky Admin on October 21, 2020

Yookybites | What's Gluten Free?


No no we're talking about #Gluten-Free (GF) here! So, what's gluten free exactly? 🤔🤔

Gluten is simply responsible for the elastic consistency of dough and the chewiness of foods! Yup, those foods that pop up in your mind especially processed foods are often contain gluten like hot dogs, cakes, wafers and even sauces like soy sauce. 🧇🌭

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Not everyone encountered bad experiences with gluten food but MOST can be beneficial from choosing natural & healthy gluten-free food. Simply because natural GF foods are often less starchy, low-fat & less sweet. That's why most people experience significant changes on their body when they opt for GF food like:

❤️ Increase in energy level 
❤️ Promote healthier skin 
❤️ Easier to maintain healthy weight 
❤️ Better digestive health / flatter stomach less bloated 

Try out our series of GF product and let us know what changes you see in your body! Shop here >> https://bit.ly/3m8wI0I


Yookybite | What's the symptoms for Gluten Sensitivity?

不不不,我们是在说Gluten-Free (GF) 无麸(fu)质! 你知道什么是无麸质饮食吗? 



❤️ 减少疲惫感
❤️ 缓解改进皮肤问题
❤️ 容易控制体重
❤️ 改善消化,减少肚子胀气

今天就试试我们的无麸质(GF)系列再告诉我们你的感想!购买 >> https://bit.ly/3m8wI0I

  Yookybites | Pick the right bread

#freshbread #glutenfree #samedaydelivery #newproduct #organic #healthyoption


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