What makes a young badminton coach switched his career path to venture into a healthy and organic bakery industry ?
Jacky Cheng was a badminton coach who loves food and cooking. In 2018, he visited a bakery recommended by his friend.
He witnessed that this bakery only uses organic and healthy ingredients, without adding any preservatives or softener in the products allows consumers can enjoy healthy yet delicious bread and cakes. He was impressed by the bakery that withholds such healthy concern in producing the products.
Later on, he realized that his mum always buys ordinary bread for breakfast, and the bread does not get molded after one week and texture was super soft. He was concerned that if his parents continue eating this kind of bread containing preservatives and chemical ingredients, they may harm their health.
A few months later, he heard that the bakery that he visited with his friend is letting go because the Taiwanese owner planned to go back to Taiwan. Jacky approached the owner and revealed his intention to take over the bakery. With the passion that he showed, Jacky managed to use all his saving and partnership with friends to take over the bakery and starts with a new happy healthy bakery journey.