We are often told that candy is bad for our health but do you know most of the bread too? Not ALL the bread but MOST of the bread that you could easily get from the convenient store is camouflaged as a sightly better form of sugar. 🐜🐜🐜
According to BBC News, a slice of processed bread consist as high of 3g sugar which equal to almost a teaspoon of sugar! 😱 Now that we know why doctor strongly advise Diabetic not to take bread in general?! Actually not only diabetic, us should also reduce the amount of bread intake too!

NOOOOO. I can't live without bread! 🤯🤯 Well, it's not end of the story~ What we need is to be more cautious on picking and reading the sugar content before we purchase the next bread for our loved one.
Catch your first low sugar hearty bread from us today! Buy now >> https://bit.ly/2HleKsE

不行啊~ 我很爱吃面包捏!当然不是说完全不能吃面包,可我们应该更小心选择和查看产品上的糖分。这样我们才能选择最好最健康的给我们的家人。
现在就购买你的第一份低糖面包吧~ 快快行动 >> https://bit.ly/2HleKsE
#freshbread #lowsugar #samedaydelivery #newproduct #organic #healthyoption
photo credit : Epipheo youtube